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 warrior protection

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warrior protection Empty
PostSubject: warrior protection   warrior protection Icon_minitimeMon Apr 20, 2009 11:11 pm


Character name: Might
Level: 80
Class: Orc Warrior
Spec: Protection
Does anyone share my account details: No

Proffessions(level) / First aid: max blacksmith/mining/first aid/cooking

I don't know why i can't acces armory but my stats are: 23500 armor, 545 def, 24,26% dodge, 19,95% parry, 24,16% block, 28 expertise, 205 hit.

Previous guilds: Clan Jade Falcon

Why did you leave your previous guild? coz i whant a serious guild, i'm sick about pugs run... i have ~t7,5 from pugs and was really hard to get it. i want to do full run, or achiev run but not only 2 wings, or with luck full run. i really want to do raids with somebody who really want to do it, not with kids or some ppl who after first wipe leave.

Do you have any other open applications with other guild? I had with exposure and no win scenario coz i have some friends there, but they don't need tanks

On top gear i always buy last gems and ench, I got dual spec (protection - main, arms - secondary). I'm noob like arms, from 2-3 years i play only like protection, this i know and i like.

Previous raid experience: in Pre TBC don't have to much experience, in TBC only at heroic dungeons (never done BT, Sunwell, ... 25 raids) coz in CJF are not enought members... and in Wotlk i did all heroics, VOA 10/25, OS 10/25, naxx 10/25 and malygos 10 for many many times.

Why should Core Simplicity take u as member? Well, i don't think that you should take me, but i hope that i'll join to Core Simplicity

What do you expect Core Simplicity? Serious raids and ppl.

Do you have a desire to be the best [your class]? How do you plan to achieve being the best? Well... that's why i want to join in a top guild. i don't have a plan but in CJF in TBC (when i join to them) i was OT, in Wotlk i was first who get T7,5 and now i'm the MT. I did like 150-200 heroic dungeons and a lot of pug raid 25 only to be the MT, to be the best and to learn.

Can you follow instructions:
I can raid between 19.00-23.00 on a raid day: Yes, i can. but some days when i'm at work it is possible to be late like max 30 min - 1 h.
If we feel that we are very close in downing a new boss, we might extend the raid for me is not a problem... my bed time always is at 01.00 - 03.00 AM (server time)


Age: 24
Nationality: Romanian
Occupation: Inspector
What do you do for a living? Is your work/whatever going screw your raiding times over? rarely

About me:
well... i'm just a normal guy, funny and sociable.

Name of a player in Core Simplicity that can vouch for you?

Computer spec: Intel Core Duo 3.16 Ghz, 4Gb Ram, GeForce 9600 GSO

very good

My online time in general: 4 - 10 h

I agree to raid 3 to 5 times a week in average: Yes

This is the most important question you have to answer
I have fully understood that Core Simplicity is a raiding guild, whom raid very much - and expect the applicants to raid with us for progress. I will only post this application if I know that i can keep up for a long time, and i will ALWAYS choose PvE over PvP.

Yes, I understand!
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warrior protection Empty
PostSubject: re   warrior protection Icon_minitimeWed Apr 22, 2009 1:37 pm

Might wrote:

Why should Core Simplicity take u as member? Well, i don't think that you should take me, but i hope that i'll join to Core Simplicity

why are u denying your own application mate ? Smile)
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Class Leader

warrior protection Empty
PostSubject: Re: warrior protection   warrior protection Icon_minitimeWed Apr 22, 2009 4:31 pm

the term "Take me" can be refered to a sexual position where we are asshumping him as in taking he says join and that is alright lloonny you monkey. Smile
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warrior protection Empty
PostSubject: Re: warrior protection   warrior protection Icon_minitimeWed Apr 22, 2009 9:24 pm

"Well, i don't think that you should take me" ... i'm meaning like you don't have any obligation or like "you must take me coz i say so" Smile... it is your decision. Smile
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warrior protection Empty
PostSubject: Re: warrior protection   warrior protection Icon_minitimeThu Apr 23, 2009 3:37 am
pretty and decent gear.
and Might wrote:
Why should Core Simplicity take u as member? Well, i don't think that you should take me, but i hope that i'll join to Core Simplicity
you dont think Core should take u ? so you got nothing to offer to the guild if you join ? a mean like a nice guy ? good tank ? etc etc ...
gl with your apply
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warrior protection Empty
PostSubject: Re: warrior protection   warrior protection Icon_minitimeThu Apr 23, 2009 11:34 am

if i will join all what i can offer is my experience Smile
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warrior protection Empty
PostSubject: re   warrior protection Icon_minitimeThu Apr 23, 2009 12:31 pm

we will have our warr class leader choose wisely.. there are 3 tanks aplicants and only one will be accepted
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warrior protection Empty
PostSubject: hey   warrior protection Icon_minitimeSat May 02, 2009 6:28 pm

hey mate sry for the late response. your application has been accepted. /w me kakarotz or atb in-game for an invite
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warrior protection Empty
PostSubject: Re: warrior protection   warrior protection Icon_minitime

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