Core Simplicity
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Horde PvE guild on Emeriss EU
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PostSubject: application   application Icon_minitimeTue Mar 24, 2009 8:22 pm

Character name: albyzor
Level: 80
Class: Warlock
Spec: Destro + demo - 2300 sp self buff
Original owner: Me
Does anyone share my account details: No
Proffessions(level) / First aid 406 /441 Enchanting / 436 Tailor
Previous guilds: Honorbound - We are legends

Do you have any other open applications with other guild? No
I will always have the latest gems and enchant on my new gear - yes
I will respecc if a RL/GM ask me to: yes

Previous raid experience:

-Pre TBC: Zul'Gurub,Onyxia, BWL
-TBC : Karazhan, Zul'aman, Gruul's Lair - Full XP here , SSC - till Fathom Lord, Black Temple whitout Illidan, Hyjal Summit - Rage & Anetheron
-WotlK: Naxx 10+25 / Sartharion 10+25 / Malygos - i dont have the achiev but i have full xp

Why should Core Simplicity take u as member?
I Love PVE
What do you expect Core Simplicity?
To be a friendly guild, were i can meet friends and make hard achievments.
Do you have a desire to be the best [your class]? How do you plan to achieve being the best?
I always try to discover ways to improve my techniques and improve my raid worth.

Can you follow instructions:
I can raid between 19.00-23.00 on a raid day:
If we feel that we are very close in downing a new boss, we might extend the raid
is ok i am always the last one that remain in raids

Do you have anything to add to your application that you would like us to know?
I am romanian and i realy enjoy PVE


Nationality: Romanian
Occupation: School
What do you do for a living? Is your work/whatever going screw your raiding times over?
i stay with my parents - i dont have any work to interfere with raiding
About me: just i said before i am a person that likes to work in team and progress in Wotlk content and get fun same time

Name of a player in Core Simplicity that can vouch for you?

Computer spec:
Intel Core2Duo e8400 3.6ghz - HD 4850 - 4gb Ram DDR2 - 64 bit WIN 7 - no problems in WoW performance

My online time in general:
16 - 22
I agree to raid 3 to 5 times a week in average: Yes

Do you use keybinds?If yes give us some examples.
I dont use keybinds i use warlock addons

This is the most important question you have to answer
I have fully understood that Core Simplicity is a raiding guild, whom raid very much - and expect the applicants to raid with us for progress. I will only post this application if I know that i can keep up for a long time, and i will ALWAYS choose PvE over PvP.

Yes, I understand!
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PostSubject: Re: application   application Icon_minitimeWed Mar 25, 2009 4:23 pm

Personaly i think hes a great guy that u can rely on plus if he doesnt know something he learns it very fast. He knows what this game is all about .

GL with the appli.
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PostSubject: re   application Icon_minitimeThu Mar 26, 2009 9:10 am

thanks for your application alby. we'll get back to you very soon
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PostSubject: re   application Icon_minitimeFri Mar 27, 2009 11:56 pm

application accepted. welcome. whisper miron , atb lloonny or spyhoze ingame for a ginvite
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PostSubject: Re: application   application Icon_minitime

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