Core Simplicity
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 Balance druid application

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2 posters

Balance druid application Empty
PostSubject: Balance druid application   Balance druid application Icon_minitimeSun Apr 05, 2009 9:39 pm

Character name:Flowapowa
Original owner:yes
Does anyone share my account details:nope

Proffessions(level) / First aid:Skinning and leatherworking , havent leveled first aid

If you havent maxed your profession, please explain why.


Previous guilds:Eradication

Why did you leave your previous guild?Not serious hardcore gamers Wink

Do you have any other open applications with other guild? none

I will always have the latest gems and enchant on my new gear: Depends

I will respecc if a RL/GM ask me to: yes got cat gear to

Previous raid experience: Started raiding at 80 did most pvp before

Why should Core Simplicity take u as member? Cuse im a happy guy who loves raiding and dont give up if there is some wipes

What do you expect Core Simplicity? A bether guild with a lot of expirience

Can you follow instructions:
I can raid between 19.00-23.00 on a raid day: yeah
If we feel that we are very close in downing a new boss, we might extend the raid

Do you have anything to add to your application that you would like us to know? Im a happy guy Very Happy


What do you do for a living? Is your work/whatever going screw your raiding times over?Depends

About me:
Not just "hai i bursuc, i be 3 yers" The better you describe yourself the bigger chance of joining.

Name of a player in Core Simplicity that can vouch for you?
If you have had contact with a player in Core Simplicity and he says he would vouch for you in a application you are thinking about, post his name here.

NOTE: before you write a player that can vouch for you, make sure he will.

Computer spec:Acer spire 5930g


My online time in general:16-23/24

I agree to raid 3 to 5 times a week in average: Yes
If you cannot meet the 4 raids per week for the 3-4 week trial, bye bye. Stop wasting our time please!

Do you use keybinds?If yes give us some examples.
Have binded wrath and starfire to F and G ^^

This is the most important question you have to answer
I have fully understood that Core Simplicity is a raiding guild, whom raid very much - and expect the applicants to raid with us for progress. I will only post this application if I know that i can keep up for a long time, and i will ALWAYS choose PvE over PvP.

Yes, I understand!
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Balance druid application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Balance druid application   Balance druid application Icon_minitimeMon Apr 06, 2009 2:53 pm

5 min application... damn can't we see ppl that are rly interested in joining this guild? i want to read the applyes with popcorn and soda... not in 1 min and with nerves No

Armory link
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Balance druid application Empty
PostSubject: re   Balance druid application Icon_minitimeFri Apr 10, 2009 1:21 pm

application declined
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PostSubject: Re: Balance druid application   Balance druid application Icon_minitime

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