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 Apply Balance Druid

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Apply Balance Druid Empty
PostSubject: Apply Balance Druid   Apply Balance Druid Icon_minitimeFri Apr 03, 2009 3:52 pm


Character name: Cozdruid
Level: 80
Class: Druid
Spec: Balance
Original owner: Me
Does anyone share my account details: no. I hope so

Proffessions(level) / First aid:
Mining: 450 Enchanting: 450 Cooking: 417

If you havent maxed your profession, please explain why.


Previous guilds: Miauu, Casual pro, Plane B, Rihma

Why did you leave your previous guild?
Miauu, Plane B, Rihma went down. And about casual pro i wasnt very happy about their progres in raids
Do you have any other open applications with other guild?
I will always have the latest gems and enchant on my new gear
yes if the item is worth of it
I will respecc if a RL/GM ask me to:
Glyphs :
-Major: Wrath , Innervate , Starfall
-Minor:Thorns,aquatic form,Dash

Usual rotation:
Dots then spam wrath/starfire and CD's at Bosses and over pulls if we are dieng
Previous raid experience:

-Pre TBC:-
-TBC: (pre-nerf) AND/IF (after-nerf) Kara,gruul,ZA,Maggy. after nerf. SSC
-WotlK: Naxx 10 15/15, os 10m 1d up , malygos, Naxx 25man 13/15 only KT and 4hm left, Os 25man 0/3d Sad , Malygos 25,

Note: Pre TBC experience is what you actually did on lvl60, not if you cleared it later for achievements,on lvl 70. And same with the TBC experience, specify if it is pre-nerf or after-nerf (patch 3.0).

Why should Core Simplicity take u as member?
I'm fast learning and very sunny guy and apit geared Smile
What do you expect Core Simplicity?
clear all contents and have fun time in raids.
Do you have a desire to be the best [your class]? How do you plan to achieve being the best?

Can you follow instructions: yes
I can raid between 19.00-23.00 on a raid day: yes
If we feel that we are very close in downing a new boss, we might extend the raid

Do you have anything to add to your application that you would like us to know?


What do you do for a living? Is your work/whatever going screw your raiding times over?
weekend cleaner in some officers.
About me: original wow player
Not just "hai i bursuc, i be 3 yers" The better you describe yourself the bigger chance of joining.

Name of a player in Core Simplicity that can vouch for you?
If you have had contact with a player in Core Simplicity and he says he would vouch for you in a application you are thinking about, post his name here.

NOTE: before you write a player that can vouch for you, make sure he will.

Computer spec: game computer


My online time in general: 15-22 except if i got raids i be longer ofc !

I agree to raid 3 to 5 times a week in average: Yes
If you cannot meet the 4 raids per week for the 3-4 week trial, bye bye. Stop wasting our time please!

Do you use keybinds?If yes give us some examples.

This is the most important question you have to answer
I have fully understood that Core Simplicity is a raiding guild, whom raid very much - and expect the applicants to raid with us for progress. I will only post this application if I know that i can keep up for a long time, and i will ALWAYS choose PvE over PvP.

Yes, I understand!
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Apply Balance Druid Empty
PostSubject: reply   Apply Balance Druid Icon_minitimeFri Apr 03, 2009 4:17 pm

Accepted as trial
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